Last April, Disney released a movie entitled Prom that looked like a very sweet, slightly corny version of a movie dedicated to Prom. I thought it would just be a repeat of Pretty in Pink or Ten Things I Hate About You (which is a GREAT movie), however, it was not at all like that. However, after going to High SChool, I cannot decide if the outlook that the main heroine, Nova has, about how Prom unites everyone who you started with High School, that for one night, it does not matter who he or she was in High School: at Prom, you can just be. I think that this is a very interesting view of High School. It is nice that a movie tries to influence kids to not be so stuck in their ways of having the atypical cliques and crowds, as so cleverly depicted in Mean Girls, (see above)
However, Prom tries to overcome that and reinvent the "typical teenager" movie and tell these kids and aspiring teenagers to be who they are and do not be ashamed of it. It has a sweet and innocent message, and while not always truthful, it is nice that a Disney film introduces an alternative to how people are so set in tehir ways and are accostomed to their cliques.
Bibliographic Information: Prom. Disney Studios. 2011. Director: Joe Nussbaum. Writer: Katie Wech. Starring: Aimee Teagarden, Thomas McDonnell.
Summary: This antohology focuses on Nova, a Georgetown Scholarship student, that is all around the "perfect" High School Girl. Good grades, Class President, is nice to eveyone, and encourages everyone to go to Prom. However, once the movie establishes its main character and introduces different types of characters. The School nerd, the atypical jock, the Homecoming Queen and the most popular girl in school, the young Sophmore wanting to be with the older jock, the young sophmore who wants to date the sophomore who does not exactly know that he exists, and (insert here any other atypical High School Student, drama students, singers, et cetera).. However, Nova tries to overcome the diversity that all these students have and for one night, enjoy a life where they are united in having one final, spectacular night together. Nova's journey takes a course of meeting a boy "from the wrong side of the tracks" and gives him a chance to show her other worlds exist and that it is okay to not always be perfect all the time.
Genre: Drama
If you like this, then you'd like: The Princess Diaries, Ten Things I Hate About You (with adult supervision), Pretty in Pink, Model Behavior,
Subject/Themes: Social Class Division, Cheating, Relationships, High School, Loneliness, Big Decisions, College dilemmas, Achieving, Parent abandonment
Personal Thoughts: Like typical Disney movies, Disney does an extremely great job of adopting "adult" themes into seemingly "young" movies. I think that this movie while somewhat silly at times is a great way of exposing children to things outside their comfort zone, not to scary individuals, but to learn essentially "how the other half lives" so to speak. I thought Prom was a very cute movie and had the sweet romance that was nice and clean. Unlike many other "High School"-centric movies, then movie did a good job to appeal to "tweens" and not overexpose them to gratuitous materials.
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